NEC Family Services promotes stability, security, and wellness of our tribal families in danger of having children removed and placed into the custody of state child welfare agencies. When tribal children are removed or are at risk of being removed by child welfare agencies, our staff advocate for placement with immediate or extended family.
Deriving authority from the NEC Tribal Council’s children’s codes and pursuant to the federal Indian Child Welfare Act, NEC Family Services becomes a legal party in child protective services cases involving NEC tribal children and families to represent the tribe’s interest in our children through:
- Prevention and intervention measures
- Investigative support in all member-related Alaska Office of Child Services cases
- Consultation concerning initial risk assessment and crisis management
- Family support
- Safety and case planning
- Service referral
- Legal advocacy
- Relative and foster care recruitment, support, and retention
- Assistance with Indian custodianships and cultural adoptions
- Legislative advocacy and education.
Family Services staff in Nome and Anchorage provide high-level case management and social services support. For more information, contact us:
Anchorage: (907) 338-1533
Anchorage Fax: (907)-222-2996
Nome: (907)443-2246